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We begin our NOVENA OF GRACE this Shrove Tuesday, 4th MARCH, with MASSES at 10.00am and 7.00pm each day from 4th – 12th MARCH. Our Novena coincides with the beginning of LENT (next WEDNESDAY – ASH WEDNESDAY). Our novena is being directed by Father John Walsh, a Dominican form Dominick Street. Fr. John is well respected as a Retreat and Novena of Grace director. We look forward to his time with us for our Novena of Grace. Since we are celebrating the 90th anniversary of the dedication and opening of our Church, we urge and invite as many parishioners and visitors to attend our Novena this year. In this week’s Newsletter, you’ll find the lovely, reflective themes which Fr. John has put together for our time of prayer and celebration. (PLEASE NOTE: There is no 9.00am mass during the Novena).

Fr. Tony



CONGRATULATIONS to the sixth class from St. Damian’s School who received the Sacrament of Confirmation yesterday, 1st March. We pray for them that God’s Holy Spirit will guide them wisely in their future lives and may the young people be filled with moral and spiritual courage, wisdom and perception to always seek what is right, just and acceptable in the eyes of God and may they have the courage to resist all that is evil, dark and destructive of their God-given dignity and beautiful humanity. GOD BLESS THEM ALL.




Sincere thanks to all parishioners and visitors who attended the special mass last Sunday, 2nd February to give thanksgiving to God for the pastoral ministry of the Salesians in our parish for fifty years since 1975.  The celebration was a very joyful occasion and we are delighted to have officially blessed the Icon of St. John Bosco to honour the Salesians.  The stained glass icon is over at the statues of St. Anthony and St. Ann.  Now we can pray to St. John Bosco for all children and the youth of our parish as St. John Bosco is patron saint of youth.  We were delighted that the Provincial, Fr. Eunan McDonnell was the main celebrant of the mass, along with other Salesians, Fr. Tom, Fr. Dan, Fr. Pat and Fr. Martin and myself with our Deacon, Rev. Jimmy Fennell assisting.  Thanks sincerely to Karen, our sacristan for preparing the booklet and the prayer card.  Thanks also to Colette and her team for providing the lovely tea/coffee and cakes in our Parish Centre after the mass.  Many people commented on the lovely spirit in our Church for the occasion, so thanks to all who helped out in any way at the mass last Sunday.  Thanks to Dave and our choir for the uplifting music for the occasion.