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REFLECTION – 25th/26th JANUARY, 2025
A new President for the USA was inaugurated last Monday, 20th January, a ceremony which carried great significance. Irrespective of our views on the new President, what struck me forcibly was that Cardinal Dolan and Preacher Graham were called on to pray at the beginning of the inauguration. Earlier President elect and his family attended a ceremony in St. John’s Church. The Cardinal and Preacher prayed fervently for the new President, for his family and also invoked God’s blessing that the President would have the strength to fulfil his mandate. I was impressed by the priority given to these “religious” moments. Many in the crowd closed their eyes, joining in spirit with the sentiments of the prayers. Perhaps we see the USA as a nation which gives expression to their beliefs, rituals, views, Christian faiths of all hues, ideologies, and extreme opinions. This freedom is good for any democracy but we cannot abuse such freedoms. I pondered if such a scenario of public prayer would ever happen in our democracy at a political rally or public gathering of any kind. No. Not in Ireland. In the Ireland of the 21st century we are at a point where we are almost condemned and shamed for expressing our Catholic faith and our fidelity to God. We are almost embarrassed in referring to the name of Jesus but we have no difficulty in using the Holy name of Jesus except in profanities!
Reflecting on the forces of evil and corruption within the Church and priesthood, former Pope Benedict XVI said that we will, in time, have “a remnant Church”, by which he meant that we will have smaller congregations in our Church community but that this remnant will be a leaven, a light, a true community of people in Christ. We see this “remnant” emerge before our eyes.
Since the pandemic of 2020, many parish communities have been struggling to re-build and re-gather in the numbers, lay involvement and volunteerism we once had. Yet, we remain hope-filled because we are still blessed that there are people in our parishes who are willing to be involved for the good of their parish community, smaller, but their hearts are in the right place. We are fortunate in our Parish to have such people and if they weren’t committed our parish would be less enriched and less welcoming. Vocations to priesthood and religious life have declined so rapidly, with the majority of priests in the Dublin Diocese and elsewhere are over 65. In some parishes, priests – men in their late 80’s are still filling in the gaps. This is simply unsustainable. Imagine, our own Fr. John retired officially just before Christmas at the age of 89! What an amazing dedication to his priestly ministry!
We are grateful to God for the parishioners who are committed to our parish and making it a more caring, welcoming and Christ centred community. ALL OF US have a role to play. Each of us has a talent or gift given by God to be used for the good of one another. This year we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the blessing and opening of St. Agnes Church. We think of the thousands of people over these years who gave of their time, energy and gifts to build this parish. There is much to be proud of. As a political slogan once said, “much done but more to achieve”. We, the community of St. Agnes can achieve more by way of renewing our Parish. What can we pass on to a new generation of followers of Christ? What can we do now so that this Parish may continue to be a community of kindness, caring, welcome and Christ-likeness? Above all may we have the courage and strength to proclaim our Christian faith and our devotion to Jesus. Let us never be pushed out of the public sphere. The message of the gospel of Christ is as relevant today as it was over 2000 years ago. While we honour the 90th anniversary of the dedication of our Church, we look back with gratitude, live the present with passion and embrace the future with hope.
Fr. Tony
This year, 2025, is the 90th anniversary of the consecration and opening of St. Agnes Church. The date of consecration was the 10th February, 1935 by Archbishop Byrne. Our Parish Pastoral Council is preparing a few events throughout the year to mark this occasion. On Sunday, 2nd February, the 12.30pm mass will be a mass of Thanksgiving for the presence of the Salesian Order in our parish. The Salesians are an integral part of our Parish Community since their involvement from 1970 and have contributed hugely to the development of our Parish and Church. To honour their presence and contribution we will unveil and bless a commissioned stained glass image of St. John Bosco, their founder, at the end of the mass on 2nd February. This will be followed by a cup of tea/coffee in our Parish Centre. Fr. Eunan McDonnell, Provincial of the Salesians, will be the main celebrant along with other Salesians.
Our NOVENA OF GRACE this year, 4th-12th MARCH, will be a time of reflecting on being a Parish Community and will be directed by Fr. John Walshe, a Dominican Priest based in Dominick Street. Our Parish Council is also organising an evening of celebration for all Parishioners who are involved in our Parish Ministry Groups and all who help out in different ways – Saturday, 10th May. In September we will initiate a painting/photographic competition for the schools in our Parish and in December this year we hope to have the choirs of our schools perform a concert in our Church. In October, we will have a Mass of Thanksgiving with Archbishop Farrell as the main celebrant. After our next meeting, 19th February, we will update you with further decisions and plans.
Fr. Tony
Lord, when my heart is overburdened, overwhelm me with your peace. Lead me to you, my rock, strength and refuge. Guide me to your Word which gives me strength and comfort. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to you first. Help me to get into the habit of taking my burdens to you and placing them in your care. For your Son, Jesus said, “Come to me all who labour and overburdened and I will give you rest: for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls”.
The Hopes of Pope Francis for the future of the Church
464 Bishops, Priests, Religious and lay people have gathered in Rome for the month of October 2023 to take part in the Synod which is the most important happening in the Church since the 2nd Vatican Council. Of that number 81 are women and 54 of those are voting members.
Pope Francis seeks to bring a revived sense of mission to the Church, and many are hoping that new life will emerge as a result. The documents that will emerge at the end of the month are not the final word, the same people who attend the present gathering will meet again in October 2024, and the Pope is expected to respond to the documents in the months after.
One topic that will be addressed is the role of women in the Church and perhaps we might have women deacons in the years ahead. The Synod will address the role of all those of us who are Baptised and encourage us to become more active in the Church and in our Parishes. We all share in the common priesthood of the Baptised. This gathering is a culmination of the work that took place in our parish and the parishes of Ireland in 2022.
Ireland is represented by Alan McGuckian, Bishop of Raphoe, and Brendan Leahy, Bishop of Limerick, his early years were spent as a child in the parish of St. Agnes.
We Stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life
And not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time,
In the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.